Created by grassroots leaders around the world, this new resource from Global Fund for Children illuminates the funding struggles of community-based organizations and provides solutions centered on trust and flexible funding. Formulated in solidarity with the growing movement to shift power in philanthropy and global development, it’s a call to action for funders and International Development Organizations to embrace a more equitable approach.
Trusting grassroots leadership and lived experience: Accessing funds can be a major barrier for grassroots organizations, especially those run by young activists. There is a need for funders to acknowledge the value and expertise of those outside traditional organizational structures.
Trusting Community Funding Priorities: Flexibility gives power to CBOs to determine where funding goes and to respond effectively to the specific needs of their communities.
Trusting Community Capacity: Capacity development efforts that are not tailored to the CBO’s specific needs can be ineffective or even stifle organic growth. Capacity needs to be defined and addressed within the community.
Trusting Community Learning: Instead of relying on rigid evaluation systems, there is a need for funders to acknowledge the importance of iterative learning processes based on community priorities. True impact requires long-term partnerships and collaborative mindsets.
Key takeaways include: